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What to Do If the Power Goes Out During Autoclave Operation?

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Autoclave "A16 electro" (Universal)

Autoclave "A16 electro" (Universal)
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What to Do in Case of a Power Outage?

Power supply issues — this is a reality we all face quite often nowadays. Power outages (blackouts) can become a serious problem for many users of household and industrial autoclaves because when the power goes out, the sterilization process is interrupted, creating a risk of food spoilage. How can you continue autoclaving without harming the products and avoid problems? In this article, we will explore what to do if the power goes out during autoclave operation and how to proceed without compromising the quality of your preserves.

What happens to the autoclave when the power goes out? When the power supply is lost, the heating of the autoclave stops, and the temperature and pressure gradually decrease. In some cases, sterilization stops, and if the device is not restarted, your preserves may remain underprocessed or even spoil, which is quite unfortunate. However, there is no need to panic—follow our recommendations, and your canned goods will be safe.

How to continue the canning process during a power outage?

The first and main piece of advice is to simply wait for the power to be restored. If the power goes out for a short time (up to a few hours), wait for it to return and continue the sterilization process—this will not affect the quality of the products. For example, if the temperature inside the autoclave was already quite high at the moment of the outage, you can reduce the holding time after power restoration—from 40 minutes to 30 or 25 minutes.

Changing the type of heating

Utekho electric autoclaves are universal, so they can operate both from electricity and an external heat source. If the power goes out, simply unplug the power cable, place the autoclave on a gas stove or open fire, and continue sterilization. The downsides of this method are that the autoclave with products inside is heavy, and if it is already hot, there is a risk of burns.

Using a generator to continue operation

This is the most convenient solution in the event of a prolonged power outage. If you have a generator, connect the autoclave to it and continue sterilization. The main thing is to ensure that the generator has enough power to run the autoclave. Household electric autoclaves (for 8–40 jars) require 2–3 kW, while industrial ones consume from 3 to 27 kW.

What to do if the power outage was very short (10–15 minutes)?

The thermostat in Utekho autoclaves has memory and, in case of a short power outage, the autoclave will automatically resume operation once power is restored.

What to do if the autoclave had already reached working temperature when the power went out?

Your actions depend on the stage at which the power went out. If, out of the planned 40 minutes, the autoclave had already operated for 25 minutes, then after power is restored, it should run for another 15 minutes to complete the process. If it had been running for 30 minutes or more, this is sufficient, and you can safely finish autoclaving, wait for cooling, and remove the product.

What to do if the autoclave had not yet reached working temperature when the power went out?

All you need to do is continue the autoclaving process once the power is back. If the autoclave does not resume operation automatically due to an extended outage, you will need to manually set the necessary temperature and time.

Remember safety precautions

If the power goes out but the autoclave is hot, to prevent injury, do not open the autoclave under pressure, do not unscrew the bolts, and do not touch hot parts of the device.

Additional tips to avoid power outage problems

  • Purchase a backup generator or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). This will help prevent issues during power outages.
  • Check power outage schedules and plan your canning process in advance.
  • Choose a universal or gas-powered autoclave if power outages are frequent in your area. These autoclaves can operate on both electricity and gas.

How to Work with an Autoclave During Power Outages

Remember that the right reaction to unforeseen situations, such as power outages, will help avoid preservation issues and maintain all the beneficial properties of your preparations. It is important to be prepared for such cases, have backup power sources, or at least know how to safely continue the process. By following our tips, autoclaving will be safe and effective!

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