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Instant installments from Privat Bank

Instant Installment from PrivatBank

Иконка оплата частями
Placing an order:
- Select the desired item on the website and click the "Buy" button
- Place your order, indicating the delivery method and choosing "Instant Installment" as the payment option
- Choose the desired number of months for the installment plan
- Enter your details on the PrivatBank website
- Receive your order within 1-2 days"
Иконка оплата частями
24-Month Financing
You can choose the desired repayment term for your order. Products can be split over a longer period - up to 24 months so that your monthly payment is most suitable for you.
Иконка оплата частями
Minimum Commission
The PrivatBank service fee is 2.9% of the purchase amount and is debited along with the monthly service payment.
The bank will automatically deduct funds from your credit card once a month. All you need to do is ensure that the required amount is available for deduction.