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The Big Book of Autoclave Recipes

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Price: 750UAH
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Price: 750UAH

The Big Book of Autoclave Recipes

recipe book for autoclave

This unique 112-page collection offers 99 step-by-step recipes for autoclaves, carefully adapted for preparing a variety of homemade preserves: from meat pâtés to juices and jams.

recipe book for autoclave

The book includes a variety of recipes for autoclaves, so everyone can easily create delicious and healthy preserves at home, save time, and preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients in the preserves.

recipe book for autoclave

The recipes for autoclaves cover different product categories: dishes made with meat and poultry, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, soups and broths, sauces, dairy products, jams, juices, and compotes.

recipe book for autoclave

Each recipe includes not only a list of ingredients and preparation steps but also recommended temperature and holding time for preparing each type of product in Uteko autoclaves.

recipe book for autoclave

The recipe book for autoclaves also has a dedicated page specifying sterilization modes for preparing dishes and recommendations for preserving in different containers.

recipe book for autoclave

With "The Big Book of Autoclave Recipes", you will discover a multitude of culinary possibilities that an autoclave offers. Prepare tried-and-true recipes in an autoclave and preserve maximum flavor and benefits without using preservatives.

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