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For smoking

Grids and Meshes for Smoking

If you love hot or cold smoked products, or if you dream of or already have your own mini-smoker, our online store is ready to offer you in-demand and affordable accessories. In this section of our catalog, you will find various smoking meshes made from high-quality food-grade stainless steel.

The smoking grid or mesh, which you can buy (Ukraine) inexpensively from our site, is an essential element for any smoker, regardless of its productivity or the technology used to prepare delicious delicacies.

Depending on your needs, the mesh can be used for heating, drying, frying, as well as for cold or hot smoking of products. It is mainly used for preparing fish, meat, sausages, lard, and other products based on them (such as meat rolls, for example).


The fish smoking mesh we offer is made from high-strength stainless steel wire with a diameter of 3-6 mm. The mesh cell size and overall dimensions can vary depending on your preferences and needs. It is important to understand that fish is a very delicate product, which cannot be subjected to pressure during smoking. For this reason, the cells of the grid are often much smaller than those of meshes used for smoking meat and sausages.

If you need a mesh for smoking meat, we can also offer several options, including traditional products with straight slats as well as custom options with wavy grids.

Areas of Use

Where are smoking grids and meshes in demand? Primarily in places such as:

  • supermarkets that do their own smoking;
  • meat processing plants;
  • fish factories.

These businesses order meshes and grids for industrial smokers, which are quite large in size. For home and household use, small meshes are suitable, which craftsmen can create to order according to the individual sizes of your mini-smokers.

It is important to understand that the mesh is a consumable product that will eventually need to be replaced. We are always ready to offer a solution to this problem by providing you with an affordable and functional option that suits any type of product.

For any collaboration inquiries, please contact us via the phone numbers listed on the website. We will be happy to help you select the most optimal option for your needs.