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User agreement

User Agreement of Ukrpromtech

User Agreement of Uteho

Attention! Before viewing this website, carefully read these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, do not use this site.

Website Usage

СThe UkrPromTech website allows you to view and download materials from this site (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") solely for personal non-commercial use, provided that you retain all copyright information and other proprietary notices contained in the original materials and any copies thereof. Modifying the materials on this Site is prohibited, as well as distributing or displaying them in any form or using them in any other way for public or commercial purposes. Any use of these materials on other websites or computer networks is prohibited.


The materials and services of this website are provided "as is" without any warranties. UkrPromTech does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the materials, programs, and services provided on this Site. UkrPromTech may make changes to the materials and services provided on this Site, as well as to the products and prices mentioned therein, at any time without notice. If the materials and services on this Site become outdated, UkrPromTech is not obligated to update them. Under no circumstances shall UkrPromTech be liable for any damages (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, data, or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to use, or results of using this website.УкрПромТех ни при каких обстоятельствах не несет ответственности за любой ущерб (включая, но не ограничиваясь ущербом от потери прибыли, данных или от прерывания деловой активности), возникший вследствие использования, невозможности использования или результатов использования этого сайта.

Registration on the Website

By registering on the Site, you agree to provide truthful and accurate information about yourself and your contact details.

As a result of registration, you will receive a login and password, for the security of which you are responsible. You are also responsible for all actions taken under your login and password on the Site. In case of loss of registration data, you undertake to notify us about it.

Feedback and Comments

When contacting us or leaving comments on the website, you are responsible for ensuring that your message is not unlawful, harmful, threatening, libelous, violates moral norms, infringes copyright, promotes hatred and/or discrimination against individuals based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, social status, contains insults towards specific individuals or organizations, or in any other way violates current legislation of Ukraine. You agree that any of your messages may be deleted by UkrPromTech without your consent and may be used free of charge at its discretion. UkrPromTech is not responsible for any information posted by users of the Site.BoxMeUp может удалять без вашего на то согласия, а также безвозмездно использовать по своему усмотрению. BoxMeUp не несет ответственности за любую информацию, размещенную пользователями Сайта.

Use of personal data

We use various technologies to collect and store information when you visit the UkrPromTech website. This may include recording one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers. We also use cookies and anonymous identifiers when you interact with services offered by our partners, such as advertising services that may appear on other websites.

мммMessages and Newsletters

BoxMeUp may send you messages in response to inquiries and complaints submitted by you through the feedback form and during the process of ordering goods and/or services, managing orders, issuing goods, and providing services. UkrPromTech sends messages in the form of email newsletters, Viber messages, SMS messages, mobile app notifications, and web browser notifications.

UkrPromTech may also send you informational and marketing newsletters (company news, promotions, information about promotions, promo codes, and discounts, personalized recommendations, personalized discounts, and offers) containing information about goods and/or services, advertising and commercial offers for such goods and/or services. Informational and marketing newsletters are sent based on a subscription to newsletters, made by you through the Website or when ordering goods and/or services through the Website. UkrPromTech conducts informational and marketing newsletters in the form of email newsletters, Viber messages, SMS messages, mobile app notifications, and web browser notifications.