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Electric water heating titans

The efficient and quick heating of water can be provided by an electric titanium water heater – a modern version of the classic wood-fired titanium, equipped with heating elements (TENs). This allows for independent water heating. In models equipped with furnaces, water can be heated by burning solid fuel, and the TENs are used to maintain the temperature – this is both convenient and economical.

You can purchase water heating titaniums at the Ukrypromtech store.

Electric Water Heater Titanium

The modern titanium – electric water heater is designed for use in locations without access to centralized water supply. Unlike a boiler (a standard household electric water heater), the titanium can operate not only when connected to a water pipeline but also with an accumulation tank (or by pumping water from a well).

The principle of operation of the electric titanium is simple: cold water continuously enters the stainless steel tank, displacing the hot water, which flows through a pipe system to the faucet. The warm water is usually used for the shower (this is the most common reason for purchasing a titanium). The presence of heating elements makes the electric water heater titanium more efficient than a wood-fired one: there is no need to monitor combustion, no need to clean the ash, and the water remains hot due to continuous heating. The hot tank also provides room heating where it is installed and reduces the humidity typical of shower rooms.

Advantages of the Electric Titanium

Titanium has relatively low thermal conductivity, so its coefficient of linear expansion is also low. Therefore, the metal does not conduct either heat or electricity. However, at low temperatures, the reverse occurs.

Operating the electric water heater titanium is beneficial for several reasons:

  • Independence from centralized water supply systems – a good choice for villages and towns;
  • Economical: minimal electricity is used for heating, and if the water is heated with wood and only maintained by the TENs, electricity costs will be minimal;
  • Simple operation – requires no special skills;
  • Large capacity – depending on the model, you can heat 90-200 liters of water, enough for the entire family;
  • Water heats up in an average of 20-25 minutes;
  • It is safe to use an electric titanium.

Buy Electric Water Heater Titanium

You should purchase a factory-made electric water heater titanium – its price is optimal, and the equipment is prepared for long-term operation. The company "UKRPROMTEKH-Special Steel" sells high-quality electric titaniums: all models have been tested, and they come with an official warranty.

Would you like us to help you choose the most suitable model? Have questions? Order a professional consultation, make your choice, and receive your electric titanium in the shortest time. We deliver across Ukraine.

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