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Canned Meat in an Autoclave: Basic Recipes

Homemade canned meat is an excellent alternative to store-bought preserves with dubious ingredients, as "factory-made" options often include a lot of tendons and cartilage, maximum fat, and minimal meat. The most convenient method of preservation is preparing canned meat in an autoclave at home - a compact device that ensures sterilization according to industrial standards. This means that the meat will cook quickly, and all harmful microorganisms will be destroyed during thermal processing.

Preparing Canned Meat in an Autoclave

Canned meat or stewed meat have the same meaning. The product is prepared using the canning method.

The main feature of homemade meat preparations using an autoclave is the ability to place raw ingredients in jars - they will be cooked during the autoclaving process (high-temperature treatment under pressure). At the same time, the meat will cook perfectly and absorb the spices. This factor allows you to cut the time and effort for preservation by at least half.

Canned Meat in an Autoclave

Canned meat in an autoclave can be made from pork, beef, and poultry. If the base is pork, duck, or chicken, additional fat is not needed in the jars: under high-temperature impact, the meat will render the required amount of fat (naturally, the fat layer should not be removed). However, for beef, additional fat must be added as the meat is lean. It's also essential to adhere to the spice proportions - for example, adding too much bay leaf will make the canned meat taste bitter.

In the autoclave, already sealed jars with meat and spices are placed. It's important to add water to the container so that it covers the lids by 2 cm. If this is ignored and less water is added, the meat in the jars at different levels will cook unevenly: some will be tender, and some will remain tough.

Temperature and Cooking Time for Canned Meat in an Autoclave

Homemade canned meat in an autoclave will be correctly cooked, tasty, and safe for storage if the following conditions are met:

  1. The loaded autoclave needs to be sealed tightly and create a pressure of up to 1 bar. It is crucial to monitor the pressure with the manometer to ensure it does not drop (this means the lid seal is tight).
  2. Start heating the autoclave to the specified temperature. It is important to maintain this temperature: if the canned meat is cooked at a lower temperature, not all harmful microorganisms will be destroyed; if at a higher temperature, it will turn into an unappetizing red jelly. During cooking, the pressure will reach about 3-4 bars (assuming the autoclave is fully loaded). This is a good indicator and should not be adjusted.
  3. Once the required temperature according to the recipe is reached, the sterilization process will begin. You need to maintain a stable temperature level for a specific period. Adhering to this requirement affects the degree of readiness and taste.

The final stage is releasing the pressure and natural cooling of the autoclave, after which you can open the lid and remove the jars.

For convenience, we have prepared a table with temperature norms and cooking times for different types of canned meat:

Type of Canned Meat Can Volume, L Sterilization Temperature, °C Sterilization Duration, Min
Pork, Beef, and Mutton Canned Meat 0.35 110 30
0.5 110 40
1.00 110 40
Poultry Canned Meat 0.35 110 20
0.5 110 30
1.00 110 40

110°C is the temperature at which meat cans are processed in industrial autoclaves. This is the optimal thermal treatment level for destroying all microorganisms. The sterilization process in an autoclave starts once the water has heated to 110°C. The autoclaving time should not exceed 70 minutes, and the temperature should be 120°C.


Recipe for Pork Stew in an Autoclave

Pork Stew in an Autoclave

A tasty classic pork stew for winter prepared in an autoclave uses the following ingredients (based on 1 half-liter jar):

  • pork - 450 g;
  • chopped onion - 7 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • pepper - 3 whole peppercorns;
  • bay leaf - 1 leaf.

If the meat has little fat, add 50 g of lard or bacon to the recipe. Cut the pork into approximately 50-gram pieces. Place finely chopped onion, bay leaf, and pepper in a clean jar. Mix salt with 1 tsp of water and add to the jar as well. Pack the meat pieces loosely in the jar, leaving 1-2 cm from the lid. Seal the jar tightly. Then place the jars in the autoclave and start the sterilization process.

Recipe for Beef Stew in an Autoclave

Beef makes a high-quality stew in an autoclave - for its preparation you need:

  • beef with fat layers - 2 kg;
  • if the beef is lean - 0.5 kg of fat and 1.5 kg of meat;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • pepper and salt;
  • bay leaf.

Wash the beef and cut it into 4-cm cubes. Peel and cut the onions and carrots into large pieces (rings are also fine). These ingredients can be omitted if desired. Place 3 bay leaves, 3 whole allspice and black peppercorns in clean jars. Top with meat pieces, not packing them tightly. Season the meat with salt to taste. The jars can be sealed. Then you can start the sterilization process. Store the finished cans in a dark and preferably cool place.

Recipe for Lamb Stew in an Autoclave

Lamb Stew in an Autoclave

A great meat stew in an autoclave made from lamb uses the following ingredients:

  • lamb (preferably neck and shoulder cuts) - 1.5 kg;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • sunflower oil - 200 ml;
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves;
  • iodized sea salt - 2 tbsp;
  • red and black ground pepper.

The preparation process is as follows: first, rinse the meat and cut it into 3-cm pieces. Place the pieces in a pot, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and add crushed bay leaf. Add sunflower oil, mix, and refrigerate for a day.

Peel the garlic heads and individual cloves. An hour before the day is up, add the crushed garlic cloves to the meat and mix. After that, place the lamb loosely in jars, leaving 2 cm to the lids. Along with the meat, add the marinade ingredients. Seal the jars tightly with metal lids and start the sterilization process.

Recipe for Duck and Chicken Stew in an Autoclave

It's easy to prepare poultry meat in an autoclave. Fatty chicken or duck is best for this. Necessary ingredients:

  • poultry meat - 1 kg;
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves;
  • salt - 2 tbsp;
  • a mix of dry spices (optional).

For stew, it's best to use fatty home poultry: remove feathers and down from the carcasses, clean them from the insides, and rinse them. Cut off the fat and set it aside. Divide the carcasses into medium-sized pieces, and finely chop the fat. Rub the meat with salt and crushed bay leaves, adding pepper or a poultry spice mix. Then, arrange the meat interspersed with fat in clean half-liter jars and seal them. The jars can be sterilized.

  • rabbit carcasses - 4-5 pcs.;
  • bay leaves - 2 pcs. per jar;
  • pepper - 4 peppercorns per jar;
  • cloves - 3 pcs. per jar;
  • salt - 1 tsp.

Prepare the carcasses by carefully removing the meat with a knife. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces. Separate the fat and place it in a separate container. If the rabbits are not fatty, add pork fat to the recipe (approximately a 50-gram piece per jar). In clean jars, place bay leaves (preferably steamed beforehand), pepper, and chopped rabbit fat or pork fat. Then, tightly pack the meat, adding pepper and cloves on top. Sprinkle salt over it and finally, add another 2 cm layer of rabbit fat or pork fat.

Don’t forget to leave some empty space before the lids. Seal the jars tightly with metal lids and place them in the autoclave. You can then start the sterilization process. After cooling, store the stew in a cool, dark place. If done according to the recipe, the meat will keep well for a long time without losing its quality.

Making meat preserves in an autoclave is very simple - having the device eliminates the need to pre-cook the meat before placing it in jars. And, importantly, there are no restrictions on the type of meat. You can make stew from domestic livestock, poultry, and game. You can cook the meat alone or add vegetables or grains to the preserves.

The shelf life of meat preserves is about 4 years. This depends on the conditions in which the product is stored. However, also consider the material of the can and the ingredients in the preserve. It’s best not to store stew for more than 2-3 years.  

It is recommended to store stew at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees with low humidity. This can be a refrigerator, basement, or just a dark, cool room.

All these possibilities are available with a high-quality autoclave. Our company offers reliable, safe, and convenient models manufactured industrially. They meet all standards and are prepared for long-term use. You will love the canning process once you realize that an autoclave is a mini-canning factory, allowing you to produce large quantities of preserves in minimal time.

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